Classic European design, this rectangular unit offers amazing spaciousness, comfortably seating four. Two large sidelight windows include frosted/etched glass on the lower portion to discreetly hide the bench ends and to add a touch of elegance to the sauna design.
Capacity up to
4 adults
56″ x 72″
20 amp, 120-volt outlet
All infrared delivery systems produce EMR and EF to some extent. While the levels are typically low, it is still not clearly understood what the long term effects of low exposure might mean. Pure Infra technology was developed to take the worry out of unnecessary expo-sure to EMR and EF. For instance, the electrical field in a Pure Infra is less than you’d experience from a computer screen or cell phone. After all, if the point is to detoxify, why expose yourself to any level of unnecessary radiation? In fact, the EMR and EF levels in your Pure Infra Sauna are lower than the ambient in your home. Your Sauna becomes your ‘safe’ haven.
The innovative Finnleo Infra Sauna provides pleasure beyond what a traditional or infrared sauna can do individually. At times, you might prefer to bask leisurely in the comfort of a traditional sauna. When time is tight or you’re in the mood for a milder heat therapy, the infrared option is the answer. Our advanced traditional sauna technology has been seamlessly combined with CarbonFlex far-infrared technology that can be included in virtually any Finnleo Modular sauna